Sunday, April 3, 2022

Pussy Willows

 So excited to have some new products from The Greetery in my hands... these are the new Pussy Willow dies that I had fun putting together this weekend.  Not gonna lie - they were fiddly and took some time to assemble, but I absolutely LOVE the end result.

The 3 stems come together on one die, so I cut them out of white cardstock, and coloured them with layers of Copic Markers, then the stems are glued down over the pussy willows.  It made sense to do a whole bunch at once, so I have a little stash to use over the next while.  I used an oval Pinkfresh Studio die, a bow from The Greetery, and some older papers from Close To My Heart to put a couple of cards together.
Here's my stash of pussy willows!

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